Web and Mobile Application Fuzzing Best Practices
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably used tools like Ffuf or Gobuster to fuzz an application to expand the attack surface and potentially find sensitive files and directories. Unfortunately, we here at Brackish find that a lot of testers are doing fuzzing incorrectly. Read below to get our Rules of Fuzzing and even a generic […]
Logging – Mobile Application Penetration Testing #6
Welcome back to the long awaited next entry in Brackish Security’s Mobile Application Penetration Testing series. When conducting mobile application penetration testing, inspecting logs on iOS and Android is a crucial step in understanding how an app behaves, particularly in how it handles sensitive data, error handling, and debugging information. Log files can provide insight […]
JavaScript Source Map Vulnerabilities
What is a JavaScript source map file? Source map files map the transformed, minified, or compiled code back to the original source code, and they can often be found exposed publicly in web applications. This is particularly useful for debugging because it allows developers to view and step through the original source code even when […]
IoT Penetration Testing Part 1
IoT Penetration Testing is one of our favorite types of testing here at Brackish Security. This will be the first of a multi-part blog series on embedded device security (the “Internet of Things” or IoT). Our goal is to show how the Brackish security team approaches an IoT pentest, including detailed methodologies and examples. IoT […]
What is Blind XSS?
You may have heard of Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) or Stored XSS, but what is Blind XSS? Unlike traditional XSS attacks, where the immediate impact is visible, Blind XSS vulnerabilities are typically triggered when the malicious input is viewed by a different user, often an administrator or a support person, at a later time […]
Android Studio – Mobile Application Penetration Testing #5
Welcome back to our series on Mobile Application Penetration Testing! In this post we will discuss Android Studio and Android Debug Bridge. If you’re new to this, you might want to go read from the beginning or check out the previous post. But not only will we discuss Android Studio and Android Debug Bridge, we […]
IIS Short File Name Enumeration
Microsoft IIS short file name enumeration is a technique used to discover the filenames and directories on a web server running IIS. This method exploits a feature in IIS related to how it handles file and directory names. This vulnerability is kind of the gift that keeps on giving. As of writing, it’s been around […]
Even More MobSF – Mobile Application Penetration Testing #4
In this part of the guide we go over more of the MobSF output for the YouTube APK
Software and Data Integrity Failures – OWASP Top Ten
Welcome to the final entry in our OWASP Top Ten Series – Software and Data Integrity Failures. If you haven’t read any of the previous ones, check them out. Among the OWASP Top Ten entries, Software and Data Integrity Failures have emerged as a formidable category that encapsulates a range of issues where assumptions about […]
More MobSF – Mobile Application Penetration Testing #3
Mobile Application Penetration Testing