JavaScript Source Map Vulnerabilities

What is a JavaScript source map file? Source map files map the transformed, minified, or compiled code back to the original source code, and they can often be found exposed publicly in web applications. This is particularly useful for debugging because it allows developers to view and step through the original source code even when

IoT Penetration Testing Part 1

IoT Penetration Testing is one of our favorite types of testing here at Brackish Security. This will be the first of a multi-part blog series on embedded device security (the “Internet of Things” or IoT). Our goal is to show how the Brackish security team approaches an IoT pentest, including detailed methodologies and examples.  IoT

MouseJacking (With Flipper Zero): Tales from Pen Testing Trenches

As a continuation in our series of penetration testing stories (who doesn’t love those) we bring you MouseJacking (With Flipper Zero). Check out the first blog post in the series here here. In this engagement, we were successfully able to compromise a network utilizing an old attack vector – MouseJacking. MouseJacking was first brought to

Tales from Pen Testing Trenches: MAC Address Whitelisting Failure

MAC address whitelisting is commonly perceived as a foolproof network security mechanism. Yet, Brackish Security’s recent test on a wireless network illustrates how easily this method can be bypassed, challenging its efficacy as a standalone security solution. MAC address whitelisting operates on the premise that only devices with pre-approved MAC addresses can access a network.

What is Blind XSS?

You may have heard of Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) or Stored XSS, but what is Blind XSS? Unlike traditional XSS attacks, where the immediate impact is visible, Blind XSS vulnerabilities are typically triggered when the malicious input is viewed by a different user, often an administrator or a support person, at a later time

Android Studio – Mobile Application Penetration Testing #5

Welcome back to our series on Mobile Application Penetration Testing! In this post we will discuss Android Studio and Android Debug Bridge. If you’re new to this, you might want to go read from the beginning or check out the previous post. But not only will we discuss Android Studio and Android Debug Bridge, we

Another OSCP Blog Post

First, what is the OSCP? If you are ever curious about what it takes to become an ethical hacker, you will most likely find yourself googling “How to become a hacker”. Within your research, it doesn’t take long to read countless blogs and forums that point to the OSCP certification, by Offensive Security. As many

The Importance of Comprehensive IoT Penetration Testing in Modern Cybersecurity

IoT Penetration Testing is needed in today’s dynamic landscape of the Internet of Things (IoT), where everyday devices are interconnected and smarter than ever. Comprehensive IoT Penetration Testing emerges as a crucial strategy for businesses and individuals alike to fortify their digital frontiers. This blog post delves into the why and how of thorough IoT