JavaScript Source Map Vulnerabilities

What is a JavaScript source map file? Source map files map the transformed, minified, or compiled code back to the original source code, and they can often be found exposed publicly in web applications. This is particularly useful for debugging because it allows developers to view and step through the original source code even when

IoT Penetration Testing Part 1

IoT Penetration Testing is one of our favorite types of testing here at Brackish Security. This will be the first of a multi-part blog series on embedded device security (the “Internet of Things” or IoT). Our goal is to show how the Brackish security team approaches an IoT pentest, including detailed methodologies and examples.  IoT

What is Blind XSS?

You may have heard of Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) or Stored XSS, but what is Blind XSS? Unlike traditional XSS attacks, where the immediate impact is visible, Blind XSS vulnerabilities are typically triggered when the malicious input is viewed by a different user, often an administrator or a support person, at a later time

Shodan Series Part 2: The Untraditional Web Ports

Our goal of this series is to revisit Shodan and demonstrate to IT admins and business owners, how much an attacker can glean of a network without sending any packets to the actual to an organization. Our last post focused on Remote Desktop Protocol being exposed to the publicly accessible internet: This week we

IIS Short File Name Enumeration

Microsoft IIS short file name enumeration is a technique used to discover the filenames and directories on a web server running IIS. This method exploits a feature in IIS related to how it handles file and directory names. This vulnerability is kind of the gift that keeps on giving. As of writing, it’s been around

Turkeys Will Get Stuffed Soon. Credentials Will Get Stuffed Now.

Introduction Credential stuffing is a form of cyberattack where attackers use automated scripts to try a large number of username and password combinations (usually obtained from previous breaches) on multiple websites, hoping that individuals have reused their credentials. While this attack method is not sophisticated, its simplicity and effectiveness make it a go-to strategy for

Unmasking the Shadows: The Unseen Vulnerabilities Within Your Walls

Prior to reading this, please check out a previous blog of ours on how important an external penetration test is. Hey there, security enthusiasts and curious minds alike! Today, we are taking a deep dive into a topic that’s often buzzing around but isn’t always entirely understood – yes, we’re talking about Internal Penetration Testing

Is Caido The New Burp?

There has been some buzz around Caido recently – a contender to the Burp crown. Brackish Security testers recently sat down and tried Caido out on some real pentests. Our findings follow. Keep in mind that Caido is still fairly new, while Burp has been in development and use for a very long time. Additionally,