“SSL Certificate signed using weak hashing algorithm” refers to a security vulnerability in the SSL/TLS certificate used by a website. A hashing algorithm is used to create a unique digital signature for the certificate, which is then used to encrypt communications between the website and its visitors. If a weak hashing algorithm is used, the digital signature can be compromised, potentially allowing an attacker to intercept and read sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

To fix this issue, you will need to obtain a new SSL/TLS certificate that is signed using a stronger hashing algorithm. The most commonly recommended hashing algorithm is SHA-256, which is considered to be more secure than older algorithms like SHA-1. You can obtain a new certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA), such as Symantec, GlobalSign, or Comodo.

Once you have obtained the new certificate, you will need to install it on your web server and configure your website to use it. This will typically involve generating a certificate signing request (CSR), submitting the CSR to the CA, and then installing the certificate on your web server. The exact steps will vary depending on the type of web server you are using and the certificate authority you have chosen. Additionally, if the certificate was provided by a third-party vendor, it may be required to contact them for assistance in configuring their software and/or applying updates.