Network Penetration Testing

External Penetration Testing

In the vast landscape of the digital realm, the perimeter of your network is the first line of defense against cyber threats. At Brackish Security, our external penetration testing is akin to testing the locks, alarms, and fences of a physical facility. We meticulously assess your organization’s external-facing infrastructure, ensuring that vulnerabilities are identified and rectified before malicious entities exploit them.

Our Web Application Penetration Testing services provide a comprehensive evaluation of your applications, diving deep into potential vulnerabilities and delivering solutions to rectify them.

Comprehensive Reconnaissance

Gathering vital information about your public-facing assets.

Exploit Simulations

Mimicking real-world cyber-attack patterns to assess potential breach points.

Tailored Reporting

Providing actionable insights and recommendations to enhance your security posture.

Internal Penetration Testing

While securing the perimeter is vital, it’s equally crucial to ensure the safety within. Brackish Security delves deep into your internal network, examining it from an insider’s perspective. Whether it’s a malicious employee or a cyber attacker who’s breached the first line of defense, our goal is to identify how they might maneuver and what they might access.

Our Web Application Penetration Testing services provide a comprehensive evaluation of your applications, diving deep into potential vulnerabilities and delivering solutions to rectify them.

Privilege Escalation Tests

Identifying if and how an internal actor can gain elevated access.

Lateral Movement Assessment

Checking the feasibility of moving across different segments of your internal network.

Sensitive Data Access

Ensuring critical company data remains inaccessible to unauthorized personnel.

Why Choose Brackish?