IoT Penetration Testing

Key Features

The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized how we live and work, embedding smart devices in our homes, offices, factories, and public spaces. But with great connectivity comes heightened cyber risk. Brackish Security’s IoT Penetration Testing ensures that your connected devices stand robust against emerging cyber threats.

At the intersection of hardware, software, and network protocols, IoT presents unique challenges. Our specialized services address these complexities head-on.

Multi-Layered Testing

From firmware analysis and radio frequency (RF) interface probing to API and mobile application assessments, we leave no stone unturned

Device-Specific Assessments

Be it smart home appliances, wearable tech, industrial sensors, or connected medical devices, our testing is tailored to the specific nuances of each IoT category.

Real-World Attack Simulation

Using state-of-the-art techniques, our experts mimic potential attackers, aiming to exploit vulnerabilities in your IoT ecosystem.

Comprehensive Reporting

Post-assessment, you receive a detailed report, categorizing vulnerabilities, providing proof of concepts, and suggesting actionable remediation steps.

Why Choose Brackish?